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Once Again… A MAN Invented It

Got a new iphone 4 from my boyfriend today.  I was giddy with excitement and I love him to death for it.  He got a really good deal when upgrading our phones.  He got the phones at no cost but the monthly bill went up a bit of course for the services.  I was really excited and ready to pick out some cool decal skins for it.


The little fucker arrived and I don’t like the touch screen at all.  I have nails.  At least on my Sprint Rumor Touch it let me tap the screen with my nails and it recognized or sensed the touch.  Plus I had a slide out key board thingy and could use the corner of my nails to type with both hands.  On this iphone 4 it does NOT sense my nails AT ALL.  So I have to turn my fingers to the side so that it will sense my fingers.  No more slide out keyboard so I’m typing like a drunk retard on it.  With one hand.  Many mistakes.  Having to re-type over and over and over.  Takes me forever just to get a damn sentence written.  Then… then…. THEN…. I’ll hit the “send” button like 800 god damned times and it still won’t send.  I’ve tried lightly touching, hard touching, tapping, sliding, holding, you name it.  The iphone says FUCK YOU Martingirl.

Yes I know there is a voice command thing on there somewhere but I really don’t want to have to do a voice command for every single text because sometimes it won’t be appropriate to talk out loud into my phone.

Hey high tech man nerds, do me a favor, when you invent cool shit like this why don’t you test it out on other people of all ages and sexes many, many, many times to see if others can use your invention.  Others besides people with fingers the size of a 5 year old.  Mmm k?  Thanks.

**UPDATE:  So I went into work and went on the hunt for women with an iphone or galaxy with long nails.  One girl showed me and now I’m texting much better.  I finally mastered that send button and how to touch it.  THANK GOD.  I’m still only typing with one hand so I’m still slower on this thing but everyone says I’ll get used to it and it will get easier.  Good.

Of course I love the bigger screen, the way the text conversations look and ease of getting to messages and other tools on the phone.  much easier than all the menus and hoop jumping on my other phone.  The internet actually looks like the internet on this thing compared to my other phone.  So yes, I do like the iphone.  I must have given my Rambo a headache at first when I was trying to text and my pissing and moaning.  heh.  I love you so much baby and I really am grateful.  Thank you for your patience with me.