Military Brat Problems

I just love sites that give you security questions for when you forget your password. They always seem to have childhood questions like what high school did you go to, who was your best friend in grade school or the name of the street you grew up on. Umm…… I had many for each of those questions. I grew up in the Military. Makes me think of this list I saw a long time ago that started with, “You Know Your a Military Brat When….” and brats from all over filled in the blank. They were hilarious! I feel I could add the security question scenario now.

Is This Thing On? (tap, tap)

I feel like that crew member in the movie Titanic and shouting, “Is there anyone alive out there?!” haha. I haven’t been on this thing in I don’t know how long, well…. since before I was married. Been married seven years now. Wow.

I guess I just got tired of blogging and a bit burned out. All my posting energy went to facebook or as I like to call it, farcebook. Big mistake. 1) because you can’t treat FB like a blog and share your true feelings in front of people who know you in real life. And 2) We all know what a lying, manipulating, cheating asshole farcebook is. Twitter, or as I like to call Twatter, is no different.

Tonight at the stroke of midnight on New Years I will be deleting my facebook and twitter accounts. Not “taking a break” or just turning them off for a while. I’m talking flat out deleting the accounts. After the last election and how they have been behaving, I cannot stand by and give these dirtbags anymore of my business or time. The censoring, the shadowbanning, the misinformation, the manipulation. It is horrendous that these people are not only censoring and shaping what the American people see, but that they are getting away with it. No matter which side you are on politically, this is very dangerous for America.

I now have a MeWe (simular to fb) account and a Parler (simular to tw) account for the replacements. Not many people will leave farcebook or twatter and make the switch but honestly I don’t care. They can live in their own echo chamber now. Frankly, I get tired of them all anyway. The comments, the butt hurtness, the one-upping or bragging, the hypocrosy. I could go on but I know you know. Why and how I ever got sucked into that is beyond me. Having my blog with followers/readers of mostly people I don’t know, is much better. On my blog, I can be myself and say what I want.

Why Do People Have to Touch Everything?

This is going to make me sound like a mean spoiled beeyach but I don’t care.

When you look at someone’s engagement ring, don’t touch it.  Don’t touch the diamond, or the setting prongs, or run your fingertips across the tiny diamonds in the band or ANY part of it.

How about don’t touch it?  Did I say don’t touch it?  DON’T TOUCH IT.

Fingers are oily and dirty ok.  I don’t want any of that or your fingerprints on my nice, new, freshly cleaned ring thank you.  Even I don’t touch those parts of my own ring.  I know that sounds picky but do you really need to touch everything people?  Yes it’s real and touching it doesn’t make it anymore real than it is.  You don’t need to touch it, just look at it.

I Said Yes


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Sums it up Alright

Selling You the Kool Aid

I’ve been in sales a long time and have coached many employees but I was both amused and appalled when I overheard a sales supervisor today use this on one of their employees…

“You have to create fear and uncertainty in the customer and then they will buy.” 

Funny…  that is the same approach the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media used to get your vote.

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Once Again… A MAN Invented It

Got a new iphone 4 from my boyfriend today.  I was giddy with excitement and I love him to death for it.  He got a really good deal when upgrading our phones.  He got the phones at no cost but the monthly bill went up a bit of course for the services.  I was really excited and ready to pick out some cool decal skins for it.


The little fucker arrived and I don’t like the touch screen at all.  I have nails.  At least on my Sprint Rumor Touch it let me tap the screen with my nails and it recognized or sensed the touch.  Plus I had a slide out key board thingy and could use the corner of my nails to type with both hands.  On this iphone 4 it does NOT sense my nails AT ALL.  So I have to turn my fingers to the side so that it will sense my fingers.  No more slide out keyboard so I’m typing like a drunk retard on it.  With one hand.  Many mistakes.  Having to re-type over and over and over.  Takes me forever just to get a damn sentence written.  Then… then…. THEN…. I’ll hit the “send” button like 800 god damned times and it still won’t send.  I’ve tried lightly touching, hard touching, tapping, sliding, holding, you name it.  The iphone says FUCK YOU Martingirl.

Yes I know there is a voice command thing on there somewhere but I really don’t want to have to do a voice command for every single text because sometimes it won’t be appropriate to talk out loud into my phone.

Hey high tech man nerds, do me a favor, when you invent cool shit like this why don’t you test it out on other people of all ages and sexes many, many, many times to see if others can use your invention.  Others besides people with fingers the size of a 5 year old.  Mmm k?  Thanks.

**UPDATE:  So I went into work and went on the hunt for women with an iphone or galaxy with long nails.  One girl showed me and now I’m texting much better.  I finally mastered that send button and how to touch it.  THANK GOD.  I’m still only typing with one hand so I’m still slower on this thing but everyone says I’ll get used to it and it will get easier.  Good.

Of course I love the bigger screen, the way the text conversations look and ease of getting to messages and other tools on the phone.  much easier than all the menus and hoop jumping on my other phone.  The internet actually looks like the internet on this thing compared to my other phone.  So yes, I do like the iphone.  I must have given my Rambo a headache at first when I was trying to text and my pissing and moaning.  heh.  I love you so much baby and I really am grateful.  Thank you for your patience with me.

From Helping People to Destroying People

Once upon a time unions had their place.  They have helped the lives of many and helped shaped better working environments for people.  Over the years this organization has turned into greedy, overpaid thugs who destroy everything.

Of course some people think unions are good to make things “fair” and consistently force pay raises for their members.  Businesses cannot operate that way.  They cannot pay everyone 70k a year with HUGE pensions and pay for everything to keep their business afloat.  Unions slow down profits, work productivity and progress.  They damage healthy communication between the employer and the employee.  They claim the employers are greedy (I’m not denying some are) when they are greedy themselves.  These union bosses make a shit load of money.  They make their money off the backs of the workers making them pay dues.  All the while speaking on behalf of the workers even against the workers will without a say in their own negotiations.

We are in a time where we no longer have sweat shops.  We have safety procedures, fire escapes, osha, child labor laws, work/lunch breaks, laws against discrimination, human resources departments, and on and on today.  There is NO NEED for unions.

So this whole thing with Hostess… damn shame.  The company is working in a shitty ass economy and in order to save jobs wanted to have workers take an 8% cut in pay.  They were not being greedy, they were trying to save their company and their employees jobs.  But of course the union goes crazy, has a strike and calls their bluff.  Hostess delivered by then announcing the shutdown of everything, filing for bankruptcy and liquidating everything.  18,000 people now out of work in the blink of an eye.  I would have gladly taken an 8% pay cut over being UNEMPLOYED IN THIS ECONOMY.  Guess who still has their jobs?  The union.  Nice work.

I saw this on Twitter, “Twinkies made it thought the Great Depression and World War II, but couldn’t withstand Obama.”  So true.  But then, I’m sure Michelle (tell us what to eat) Obama is very happy.