Is This Thing On? (tap, tap)

I feel like that crew member in the movie Titanic and shouting, “Is there anyone alive out there?!” haha. I haven’t been on this thing in I don’t know how long, well…. since before I was married. Been married seven years now. Wow.

I guess I just got tired of blogging and a bit burned out. All my posting energy went to facebook or as I like to call it, farcebook. Big mistake. 1) because you can’t treat FB like a blog and share your true feelings in front of people who know you in real life. And 2) We all know what a lying, manipulating, cheating asshole farcebook is. Twitter, or as I like to call Twatter, is no different.

Tonight at the stroke of midnight on New Years I will be deleting my facebook and twitter accounts. Not “taking a break” or just turning them off for a while. I’m talking flat out deleting the accounts. After the last election and how they have been behaving, I cannot stand by and give these dirtbags anymore of my business or time. The censoring, the shadowbanning, the misinformation, the manipulation. It is horrendous that these people are not only censoring and shaping what the American people see, but that they are getting away with it. No matter which side you are on politically, this is very dangerous for America.

I now have a MeWe (simular to fb) account and a Parler (simular to tw) account for the replacements. Not many people will leave farcebook or twatter and make the switch but honestly I don’t care. They can live in their own echo chamber now. Frankly, I get tired of them all anyway. The comments, the butt hurtness, the one-upping or bragging, the hypocrosy. I could go on but I know you know. Why and how I ever got sucked into that is beyond me. Having my blog with followers/readers of mostly people I don’t know, is much better. On my blog, I can be myself and say what I want.